Dependent types
2. Dependent types¶
In the second lecture we shall:
Take a more systematic look at type theory and how we can use it to prove properties of functions.
Pay special attention to equality
Learn how to use the Agda standard library and several new Agda features.
Supplementary reading materaial for this lecture:
The section “Lambda expressions”, “Function composition” and “Extensionality” from Isomorphism: Isomorphism and Embedding
2.1. Importing modules with import
Rather than defining everything from scracth, let us include the definition of natural numbers and lists from the standard library.
This is done with the import
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_; _*_; _⊔_; _≤_; z≤n; s≤s; _≡ᵇ_)
open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; length)
See also
You should read the following documentation to learn what open
and using
Basics of modules explains
Name modifiers explains
, as well asrenaming
In summary, the above two lines import specific parts of the modules Data.Nat
and Data.List
from the standard library.
Here is one more import
that provides teh definition of the identity map and composition (without using
, the import
statement imports the entire contents of the module):
open import Function using (id; _∘_)
We must also declare the module for the present lecture:
module 02-dependent-types where
2.2. Simple and dependent types¶
You might be familiar with types from programming languages, such as int
, float
, bool
, int → int
, etc. These are called simple or non-dependent types. Let us practice defining them in Agda.
Example (The unit type)
The unit type has a single element. In Agda it is called ⊤
because it also doubles for the true proposition (not to be confused with true
which is an element of Bool
). We shall call it ⊤'
to avoid naming conflicts.
data ⊤' : Set where
⋆ : ⊤'
To define a map from ⊤
we only need to say how it maps ⋆
f : ⊤' → ℕ
f ⋆ = 42
This definition is a bit different from the one in the standard library, which uses a record
type. We will learn about those next time. Anyhow, you should compare the above definition with the one in the standard library:
import Agda.Builtin.Unit
The way to inspect the module is to load this file, place the cursor on the work Unit
, and press “Alt-.” or “F12” to visit the module. You come back by pressing “Alt-,” or “Ctrl -”.
Example (The empty type)
The empty type is the inductive type without any constructors. In Agda it is called ⊥
because it also doubles as falsehood.
data ⊥' : Set where
This time our definition agrees with that of the standard library:
open import Data.Empty
It is instructive to define a map from the empty type to any other one:
from-empty : {A : Set} → ⊥ → A
from-empty ()
What happened? Agda determined that the definition does not require any cases (because there are no constructors for ⊥
), which it indicated with the notation ()
Example (Disjoint sum)
A disjoint sum of types A
and B
is a type A ⊎ B
(often written outside Agda as A + B
) whose elements are of the form inj₁ a
for a : A
and inj₂ b
for b : B
. Let us see how this is defined in the standard library:
open import Data.Sum.Base
Notice that the standard library uses universe levels which we should get used to, but not right now.
Example (Cartesian product)
The cartesian product of types A
and B
is the type A × B
of ordered pairs (a, b)
where a : A
and b : B
. It
is defined using records, which we have not yet learned about. Nevertheless, it does not hurt to take a quick look at the
definition in the standard library:
import Data.Product
This was weird. The product is defined in terms of something called Σ
. We shall come back to it.
Example (The option type)
In programming one often requires a value that signifies “no value” or “undefined”. That is, given a type A
we construct a new type which has all the values of A
(appropriately tagged so we can tell they came from A
) and one additional “nothing” value. This is known as the option type and is defined as follows:
data Maybe' (A : Set) : Set where
just' : A → Maybe' A
nothing' : Maybe' A
We used apostrophes in order to not encroach on the definition from the standard library:
import Agda.Builtin.Maybe
There are several modules involving Maybe
, we imported the one that has the actual definition of the Maybe
type. In practice you would import the following module to work with Maybe
, as it contains more useful constructions.
open import Data.Maybe
The standard library is like an onion, with many layers that bring tears to one’s eyes.
Example (The function type)
The function type A → B
of functions from A
to B
is built into Agda. Basic operations on functions are defined in the module Functions
, which we already imported above.
You should familiarize yourself with Lambda abstraction, which is a notation for writing down functions. In mathematics we write a function as \(x \mapsto e\) and read this as “\(x\) maps to \(e\)”. In Agda the notation is λ x → e
. You can read more about it in the section “Lambda expressions” of Isomorphism: Isomorphism and Embedding (PLFA).
2.3. Dependent types¶
Dependent types capture a notion that is present everywhere in mathematics, even though students (and often their teachers) are not explicitly aware of its ubiquity and importance. Dependent types are a very powerful tool.
Let us pretend for a moment that types are just sets (what precisely is the difference, you ask?) and someone writes:
Let \(a, b \in \mathbb{R}\) be real numbers such that \(a < b\). Consider a continuous map \(f : [a, b] \to \mathbb{R}\).
Two sets are mentioned in the above text:
The set of real numbers \(\mathbb{R}\). This one is non-dependent or simple.
The closed interval \([a, b]\). This one depends on parameters \(a\) and \(b\).
There is not one fixed set called “closed interval”, but rather a whole family of them:
Other examples of such dependencies are:
the \(n\)-dimensional space \(\mathbb{R}^n\) depends on the natural number \(n\),
the finite field \(\mathbb{Z}_p\) depends on the prime number \(p\),
exercise: give one more example from mathematical practice
In general, a family of sets \(A\) is a map from an indexing set to the class of all sets:
Likewise, in Agda a type family is a map A : I → Set
. Another name for A
is dependent type (indexed by I
Example (The dependent function type)
Given a dependent type A : I → Set
we may form the dependent function type (i : I) → A i
. An element of this type is a function mapping each i : I
to an element of A i
. Another name for the type is dependent product because we can think of it as the cartesian product of all the A i
Speaking set-theoretically, the corresponding construction is the cartesian product of a family: given a family of sets \(A : I \to \mathsf{Set}\), its product is
We already used dependent function types, but now we have a name for them. Also note that the non-dependent function type A → B
is a special case of the dependent function type where B
is the constant type family.
Example (The standard finite types)
Let us define for each natural number n
the standard finite type Fin n
with precisely n
elements called
, suc' zero'
, suc' (suc' zero')
, …, suc' (suc' ... (suc' zero')
data Fin' : ℕ → Set where
zero' : {n : ℕ} → Fin' (suc n)
suc' : {n : ℕ} (i : Fin' n) → Fin' (suc n)
Note that zero'
and zero
are two different things: one is the constructor for Fin n
and the other for ℕ
; and similarly for suc'
and suc
. The Agda standard library already defined Fin
so we shall use that one instead:
open import Data.Fin hiding (_+_) renaming (zero to zero'; suc to suc')
The Agda standard library uses zero
and suc
for both ℕ
and Fin
. We used renaming
to rename the Fin
and hiding
to prevent _+_
from Data.Fin
clobbering _+_
from Nat
2.3.1. An example using Fin
and Maybe
Let work through a realistic example that uses the both the finite types and the option
type. We would like to implement a search procedure which takes a boolean predicate p : Fin n → Bool
and returns k : Fin n
such that p k
is true
. Actually, that is not
correct, because there may be no such k
, so we should really ask for a result of type
Maybe (Fin n)
, so that we may return nothing
if no such k
is found.
To give you some idea of what we are after, here are two Python implementations of the search function:
is implemented in idiomaticy Python using loopsfind
is how we are going to implement it in Agda
def search(n, p):
for k in range(n):
if p(k): return k
return None
def find(n, p):
if n == 0:
return None
if p(0):
return 0
result = find(n-1, lambda k: p(k + 1))
if result is None:
return None
return result + 1
(Yes, find
is convoluted, because it is designed to be recursive in a way that Agda understands it.)
We will implement the function three times, in order to learn Agda techniques. We need Booleans:
open import Data.Bool
The first solution is quite clumsy, because it uses auxiliary functions where in Python we simply used conditional statements:
find₁ : (n : ℕ) → (p : Fin n → Bool) → Maybe (Fin n)
find₁ zero p = nothing
find₁ (suc n) p = consider-cases (p zero')
more-cases : Maybe (Fin n) → Maybe (Fin (suc n))
more-cases nothing = nothing
more-cases (just k) = just (suc' k)
consider-cases : Bool → Maybe (Fin (suc n))
consider-cases true = just zero'
consider-cases false = more-cases (find₁ n (p ∘ suc'))
It is quite common to consider cases and act on them, so Agda provides special with
find₂ : (n : ℕ) → (p : Fin n → Bool) → Maybe (Fin n)
find₂ zero p = nothing
find₂ (suc n) p with p zero' | find₂ n (p ∘ suc')
find₂ (suc n) p | true | _ = just zero'
find₂ (suc n) p | false | just k = just (suc' k)
find₂ (suc n) p | false | nothing = nothing
Agda also has if_then_else_
, which we can combine with
to give a solution
that is looks more like a program and less like black magic:
find₃ : (n : ℕ) → (p : Fin n → Bool) → Maybe (Fin n)
find₃ zero p = nothing
find₃ (suc n) p =
if p zero' then (just zero') else ( suc' (find₃ n (p ∘ suc')))
For example, we can search for square roots like this:
find-sqrt : (n : ℕ) → Maybe ℕ
find-sqrt n = toℕ (find₁ (suc n) (λ k → toℕ k * toℕ k ≡ᵇ n))
just-eleven = find-sqrt 121
While we could perfectly well implement search, it suffers from a deficiency: it returns a result, but no evidence that the result is correct. We should either prove that our functions work correctly, or have them directly return results with proofs of correctness. But let us move on and save that exercise for the future.
2.3.2. Vectors¶
The dependent version of lists are the vectors, which are like lists whose size is stored in the type, hence vectors form a dependent type:
infixr 5 _∷ⱽ_
data Vec (A : Set) : ℕ → Set where
[]ⱽ : Vec A zero
_∷ⱽ_ : {n : ℕ} → (x : A) → (xs : Vec A n) → Vec A (suc n)
When a vector is defined, its length is calculated by Agda (change 3
in Vec ℕ 3
to ?
and let Agda fill it in):
one-two-three : Vec ℕ 3
one-two-three = 1 ∷ⱽ 2 ∷ⱽ 3 ∷ⱽ []ⱽ
2.3.3. Comparison of lists and vectors¶
To contrast working with lists and vectors we look at how to define basic operations on them. The main difference is in the handling of size: any operation on vectors automatically keeps track of the size of the resulting vector.
The map
function, which applies a given function f
to the elements of a list or a vector looks the same in both cases:
list-map : {A B : Set} → (A → B) → List A → List B
list-map f [] = []
list-map f (x ∷ xs) = f x ∷ list-map f xs
vec-map : {A B : Set} → (A → B) → {n : ℕ} → Vec A n → Vec B n
vec-map f []ⱽ = []ⱽ
vec-map f (x ∷ⱽ xs) = f x ∷ⱽ vec-map f xs
Concatenation of lists and vectors is still pretty much the same, except that we need to keep track of the size of vectors:
infixl 5 _++_
_++_ : {A : Set} → List A → List A → List A
[] ++ ys = ys
(x ∷ xs) ++ ys = x ∷ (xs ++ ys)
infixl 5 _++ⱽ_
_++ⱽ_ : {A : Set} → {k m : ℕ} → Vec A k → Vec A m → Vec A (k + m)
[]ⱽ ++ⱽ ys = ys
(x ∷ⱽ xs) ++ⱽ ys = x ∷ⱽ (xs ++ⱽ ys)
Next, here is how we can define the reversal of a list:
list-rev : {A : Set} → List A → List A → List A
list-rev xs [] = xs
list-rev xs (x ∷ ys) = list-rev (x ∷ xs) ys
list-reverse : {A : Set} → List A → List A
list-reverse {A} zs = list-rev [] zs
Above we defined the auxiliary function list-rev
globally because we shall refer to it later. Note that it is marked private
so that it becomes invisible outside the module. It is always a good idea to hide any auxiliary definitions that are not meant to for public consumption.
We get stuck when trying to reverse vectors. In the second clause for rev
we have the goal Vec A (k + 0)
which we would like to fill with xs : Vec A k
, but Agda does not allow that because the types Vec A (k + 0
and Vec A k
are not equal.
In the third clause it refuses to see that Vec A (k + suc n)
and Vec A (suc (k + n))
are equal.
-- vec-reverse-stuck : {A : Set} → {n : ℕ} → Vec A n → Vec A n
-- vec-reverse-stuck {A} xs = rev []ⱽ xs
-- where
-- rev : {k m : ℕ} → Vec A k → Vec A m → Vec A (k + m)
-- rev xs []ⱽ = {!xs!}
-- rev xs (x ∷ⱽ ys) = {!rev (x ∷ⱽ xs) ys !}
We must deal with equality first.
2.4. The identity type¶
The identity type is a dependent type which represents the equality relation. It is also an inductive type whose only constructor is refl
, witnessing reflexivity. The chapter Equality: Equality and eqational reasoning from PLFA explains the idea behind the identity type in more detail.
Let us import Agda’s definition of the identity type, which is written as _≡_
, as well as the module defining the special type Level
of universe levels.
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Level hiding (_⊔_; suc)
See also
It is quite natural to think there should be the “type of types”. Such a type is called a universe. However, as was famously discovered by Jean-Yves Girad, the Bourali-Forti paradox arises in a type theory with a universe that contains all types, including itself.
Consequently, the type theory of Agda (and Coq and Lean) contains not just a single universe of types, but a whole hierachy of them, where the \(n\)-th universe is an element of the \((n+1)\)-st universe. This is explained in the documenttion on universe levels.
In Agda, the n
-th universe is Set n
. So far we only ever used Set
, which is a synonym for the lowest universe Set 0
. Henceforth we shall use universes in general. Note that the n
in Set n
is not a natural number but rather an element of a special type Level
2.4.1. The basic properties of the identity type¶
The identity type may be read as a binary relation. It is an equivalence relation:
sym' : {ℓ : Level} → {A : Set ℓ} {x y : A} → x ≡ y → y ≡ x
sym' {x = x} {y = .x} refl = refl
trans' : {ℓ : Level} → {A : Set ℓ} {x y z : A} → x ≡ y → y ≡ z → x ≡ z
trans' refl ξ = ξ
Equality is a congruence for any function (in algebra, a congruence is a relation that is preserved by the algebraic operations):
cong' : {ℓ : Level} → {A B : Set ℓ} → (f : A → B) {x y : A} → x ≡ y → f x ≡ f y
cong' = cong
Equality is substitutive: if \(x = y\) and \(P(x)\) holds then \(y\) may be substituted for \(x\) to obtain \(P(y)\):
subst' : {ℓ : Level} {A : Set ℓ} {k : Level} (P : A → Set k) {x y : A} → x ≡ y → P x → P y
subst' = subst -- also called resp
It take a bit of exercise and practice to learn how to use these properties of equality. Agda has additional support for educational reasoning, which we look at next.
2.4.2. Chains of equational reasoning¶
Suppose we want to prove a ≡ d
by performing several reasoning steps a ≡ b ≡ c ≡ d
. We can do so using transitivity:
abcd-chain₁ : {A : Set} {a b c d : A} → a ≡ b → b ≡ c → c ≡ d → a ≡ d
abcd-chain₁ α β γ = trans α (trans β γ)
More complicated proofs may chain together several applications of trans
and can get unreadable. To make the proofs
easier to read and write, the Agda standard library contains the functions begin_
, _≡⟨⟩_
and _∎
which allow us to
display such proofs by transitivity in a more pleasant way.
import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as Eq
open Eq using (_≡_; refl; sym; trans; cong; subst; resp)
open Eq.≡-Reasoning using (begin_; _≡⟨⟩_; step-≡; step-≡˘; _∎)
open import Data.Nat.Properties
abcd-chain₂ : {A : Set} {a b c d : A} → a ≡ b → b ≡ c → c ≡ d → a ≡ d
abcd-chain₂ {A} {a} {b} {c} {d} α β γ =
a ≡⟨ α ⟩
b ≡⟨ β ⟩
c ≡⟨ γ ⟩
Here is a slightly less artificial example:
some-example : {a b c : ℕ} → (a + b) * c ≡ c * b + c * a
some-example {a} {b} {c} =
(a + b) * c ≡⟨ *-distribʳ-+ c a b ⟩
a * c + b * c ≡⟨ +-comm (a * c) (b * c) ⟩
b * c + a * c ≡⟨ cong ((b * c) +_) (*-comm a c) ⟩
b * c + c * a ≡⟨ cong (_+ (c * a)) (*-comm b c) ⟩
c * b + c * a
2.5. Proving properties of data structures and functions¶
Armed with the identity type, let us see how it can be used to prove properties of functions.
2.5.1. Trees¶
To start with something simple, we consider binary trees whose nodes (but not leaves) are
labelled with the elements of a type A
data Tree (A : Set) : Set where
leaf : Tree A
node : Tree A → A → Tree A → Tree A
The depth of a tree:
depth : {A : Set} → Tree A → ℕ
depth leaf = 0
depth (node ℓ x r) = suc ((depth ℓ) ⊔ (depth r))
Do you know how what ⊔
is? Move the cursor on it and press F12
or Alt-.
to visit its definition.
The full tree of depth n
on nodes labeled by ⋆
full : ℕ → Tree ⊤'
full zero = leaf
full (suc n) = node (full n) ⋆ (full n)
For practice, let us show that the depth of full n
is indeed n
depth-full : (n : ℕ) → depth (full n) ≡ n
depth-full 0 = refl
depth-full (suc n) =
depth (full (suc n)) ≡⟨ cong suc (⊔-idem ((depth (full n)))) ⟩
suc (depth (full n)) ≡⟨ cong suc (depth-full n) ⟩
suc n
depth-full₂ : (n : ℕ) → depth (full n) ≡ n
depth-full₂ 0 = refl
depth-full₂ (suc n) =
cong suc
depth (full n) ⊔ depth (full n) ≡⟨ ⊔-idem (depth (full n)) ⟩
depth (full n) ≡⟨ depth-full₂ n ⟩
2.5.2. Revisiting the vectors¶
Remember, we got stuck on defining the reverse of a vector because we did not know how to substitute numbers for equal numbers, but now we do:
vec-reverse : {A : Set} → {n : ℕ} → Vec A n → Vec A n
vec-reverse {A} xs = rev []ⱽ xs
rev : {k m : ℕ} → Vec A k → Vec A m → Vec A (k + m)
rev xs []ⱽ = subst (Vec A) (sym (+-identityʳ _)) xs
rev xs (x ∷ⱽ ys) = subst (Vec A) (sym (+-suc _ _)) (rev (x ∷ⱽ xs) ys)
The second clause of rev
uses subst
to rewrite xs : Vec k
to an element of Vec (k + 0)
. As this is a common operation, Agda supports it directly with the rewrite
vec-reverse' : {A : Set} → {n : ℕ} → Vec A n → Vec A n
vec-reverse' {A} xs = rev []ⱽ xs
rev : {k m : ℕ} → Vec A k → Vec A m → Vec A (k + m)
rev {k = k} xs []ⱽ rewrite +-identityʳ k = xs
rev xs (x ∷ⱽ ys) = subst (Vec A) (sym (+-suc _ _)) (rev (x ∷ⱽ xs) ys)
See also
Here is the Agda documentation on the rewrite
2.5.3. Intrinsic versus extrinsic properties of data structures¶
Designing data structures and algorithms consists of
the implementation of the data structure and the functions, and
the proofs showing that the implementation is correct.
For example, a binary search tree is a binary tree with the property that at every node, the nodes in the left (right) subtree are smaller (larger) than the root. In an standard programming language such trees are implemented as ordinary binary trees. The compiler does not check automatically that the property of being a search tree is preserved by the code.
With dependent types we can build the desired properties into the types themselves and make it impossible to construct an invalid search tree. It becomes impossible to write broken code! You will explore this very interesting possibility in the exercises and class projects.
To summarize, we have two ways of implementing data structures and algorithms:
Exstrinsic: The data structure and the functions are implemented separately from proofs of their properties. The proof of properties are written down separately.
Intrinsic: The data structure and functons implement both the algorithm and its proof of correctness simultaneously.
We already saw an example, namely lists and vectors with the desired property “has length \(n\)”. List are extrinsic because the information about the length is not present in the type List A
, whereas vectors are intrinsic because the length appears in Vec A n
Consequently, the concatenation operator _++_
for lists does not keep track of lengths, whereas _++ⱽ_
does. A statement about the length of concatenated lists must be proved separately:
length-++ : {A : Set} (xs ys : List A) → length (xs ++ ys) ≡ length xs + length ys
length-++ [] ys = refl
length-++ (x ∷ xs) ys = cong suc (length-++ xs _)
The same goes for the fact that reversal of lists preserves length:
length-reverse : {A : Set} {xs : List A} → length (list-reverse xs) ≡ length xs
length-reverse {A} {xs} = length-rev [] xs
length-rev : (xs ys : List A) → length (list-rev xs ys) ≡ length xs + length ys
length-rev xs [] = sym (+-identityʳ _)
length-rev xs (x ∷ ys) =
length (list-rev xs (x ∷ ys)) ≡⟨ length-rev (x ∷ xs) ys ⟩
length (x ∷ xs) + length ys ≡˘⟨ +-suc _ _ ⟩
length xs + length (x ∷ ys)
Judging just from these two examples, the intrinsic approach seems more principled. However, having the ability to verify actual production-level code (which is not developed within a proof assistant) has a great deal of value, too.
2.5.4. Elements of a list¶
Let us define the relation “x
is an element of the list ℓ
infix 3 _∈_
data _∈_ {A : Set} : A → List A → Set where
∈-here : {x : A} → {xs : List A} → x ∈ (x ∷ xs)
∈-there : {x y : A} {xs : List A} → x ∈ xs → x ∈ (y ∷ xs)
A proof that 5
is an element of 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 5 ∷ 2 ∷ []
element-example : 5 ∈ (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 5 ∷ 2 ∷ [])
element-example = ∈-there (∈-there ∈-here)
How do we prove that 4
is not an element of 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 5 ∷ 2 ∷ []
By showing that if it were, then false would hold (in other words, we use the fact that \(\neg p\) is equivalent to \(p \Rightarrow \bot\)):
non-element-example₁ : (4 ∈ (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 5 ∷ 2 ∷ [])) → ⊥
non-element-example₁ (∈-there (∈-there (∈-there (∈-there ()))))
non-element-example₂ : (4 ∈ []) → ⊥
non-element-example₂ ()
Let us work through proofs showing the basic properties of ∈
. First, if a list contains an element then so does the reversed list:
∈-reverse : {A : Set} {x : A} {xs : List A} → x ∈ xs → x ∈ list-reverse xs
∈-reverse = ∈-rev-r _
∈-rev-r : {A : Set} {x : A} (ys : List A) {zs : List A} → x ∈ zs → x ∈ list-rev ys zs
∈-rev-l : {A : Set} {x : A} {ys : List A} (zs : List A) → x ∈ ys → x ∈ list-rev ys zs
∈-rev-r ys {z ∷ zs} ∈-here = ∈-rev-l zs ∈-here
∈-rev-r ys {z ∷ zs} (∈-there p) = ∈-rev-r (z ∷ ys) p
∈-rev-l {ys = ys} [] p = p
∈-rev-l {ys = ys} (z ∷ zs) p = ∈-rev-l zs (∈-there p)
Second, if z
is an element of xs
then it is also an element of ys
, and symmetrically for ys
∈-++ʳ : {A : Set} {xs ys : List A} {z : A} → z ∈ ys → z ∈ xs ++ ys
∈-++ʳ {xs = []} p = p
∈-++ʳ {xs = x₁ ∷ xs} p = ∈-there (∈-++ʳ p)
∈-++ˡ : {A : Set} {xs ys : List A} {z : A} → z ∈ xs → z ∈ xs ++ ys
∈-++ˡ ∈-here = ∈-here
∈-++ˡ (∈-there p) = ∈-there (∈-++ˡ p)
Third, if z
is an element of xs ++ ys
then it is an element of xs
or ys
∈-++ : {A : Set} {xs ys : List A} {z : A} → z ∈ xs ++ ys → z ∈ xs ⊎ z ∈ ys
∈-++ {xs = []} p = inj₂ p
∈-++ {xs = x ∷ xs} ∈-here = inj₁ ∈-here
∈-++ {xs = x ∷ xs} {ys} {z} (∈-there p) with ∈-++ p
... | inj₁ x = inj₁ (∈-there x)
... | inj₂ y = inj₂ y
2.5.5. Unit-testing with equality¶
The identity type may be used to conveniently write down tests that check correctness of functions, for example:
check-1 : 7 + 5 ≡ 12
check-1 = refl
check-2 : (1 ∷ 2 ∷ []) ++ (3 ∷ 4 ∷ []) ≡ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ 4 ∷ []
check-2 = refl
check-3 : list-reverse ((1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []) ++ (4 ∷ 5 ∷ [])) ≡ list-reverse (4 ∷ 5 ∷ []) ++ list-reverse (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ [])
check-3 = refl
Programmers are used to writing such tests, which they call unit tests. But we can do much, much better and just prove that the desired property holds for all cases. Can you do it?
reverse-++ : {A : Set} (xs ys : List A) → list-reverse (xs ++ ys) ≡ list-reverse ys ++ list-reverse xs
reverse-++ {A} xs ys = {!!}